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Image by Irina Iriser

Leading from the Rail: Equipping leaders in the railcar industry



Image by Valdemars Magone

Kerry Harms

VP of Operations

Cape Fear Railcar

Kerry has 30 years of experience in the railcar industry. He is well known across the United States and Canada for being an industry leader in the area of mechanical repair


Darla Harms


Darla Harms Leadership

Darla has been studying leadership for over 25 years and trained, coached, and been a key note motivational speaker to thousands of growing leaders in multiple industries. 



Together, they are eager to impact an ever changing industry, bringing leadership insight and management techniques to leaders and employees 

railcar industry. 


Click on the blog link to find various articles on leadership, communication, conflict resolution, and safety.


Thank you for visiting our site!

Kerry and Darla Harms

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